7 creative Corporate Get Together Ideas

by Patrick

Finding fun, creative ideas for corporate events isn't always easy. Many of the most popular ideas seem to be overdone, extremely expensive, or may not be something everyone can participate in. There are plenty of options, though. You're not limited to a simple company picnic. Here are some unique corporate get together ideas that your employees will remember for years to come.


Themed Party
One easy way to make a company party more fun is to add a theme. For example, you could have a 1980s-themed party; encourage everyone to come in costume and only play dance music from that decade. You can even have your employees vote on themes ahead of time to give you an idea of what themes they might enjoy participating in.

Employee Talent Show
This is a great choice because employees have the choice to be involved as either audience members or performers. You may be surprised by the talent you have hidden behind those desks. Make sure and record all the performances to make a company DVD afterward!


Indoor Office Mini Golf
Besides the fun you'll have playing, you can go a step further and turn this into a contest, playing right in the office and asking each department to design their own golf course hole using materials that represent their department, like reams of paper, manila envelopes, computer parts. Sidenote - if you are looking for Ad graphicโ€ design services we use St. Louis based Matchbox design).

Off-Season Destination Travel
A destination retreat is one of the most popular corporate get together ideas, but you may not think you have the budget. Look into scheduling a trip during the off-season. You'll save money and won't run into nearly as many tourist crowds.


Photo Scavenger Hunt
This is an especially great team-building activity if you're all in a new location, though it can be used in your hometown with a little creativity. Divide up into teams and give each team a list of scenarios, items, or locations they have to photograph. Create a slideshow of the results and enjoy seeing your employees' creativity! This one is actually our favorite game for an office get together.

Trivia Night
Join up with a local trivia night contest or create your own. Give out prizes to the winning team. You can even have teams compete with each other and suggest trivia topics or questions that they think might stump the others, giving out a prize for "toughest questions" at the end. Of course, they're not allowed to guess when their round comes up.

International Lunch
Sometimes company get together ideas can be as simple as organizing a unique meal. With an international lunch, everyone gets a chance to eat dishes from different countries and cultures. You can get different restaurants to sponsor your event or, if there's enough company interest, have employees bring in meals from different cultures. It's a fun way to try new foods and get people talking.

Image Sources: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3.

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